The world of work is in upheaval. Not only does the ever-increasing integration of digital technology drastically change habits and processes, but the corporate culture is also undergoing profound transformations. Today's management cannot ignore all the benefits of encouraging the voluntary support of employees for the success and expansion of their structure. New modes of conviviality therefore now have an essential place within companies.
Employee involvement is no longer optimized solely through the offer of interesting positions or significant remuneration. To cement a group, it is important to offer it privileged space-times in which each of the participants in the overall project of the company can find consideration and pleasure in being together. The seminar is therefore particularly appreciated by today's managers. And what could be better than a business seminar in the Bordeaux region, which brings together a range of conditions conducive to development?
A business seminar, why do it?
The purpose of the business seminar is to link individuals within an economic structure to share moments outside of working hours and leave room for the expression of personalities. This is why it is essential to organize them in exceptional places in order to derive the maximum benefit and produce lasting emulation within the group. Cohesion, teamwork and development of creativity are all areas of work addressed on the theme of fun during these extraordinary sessions.
Any business seminar that wants to be effective must therefore go through a rigorous organization. For this, it is essential to go through the services of a team of specialists capable of planning events, coordinating them and thus facilitating the strengthening of the bond between the members of the group. But you also have to choose the location of the event carefully. This is why monsé takes care of everything for you and your teams to organize a business seminar in the Bordeaux region that suits you. If you want to know more, click here!
The Bordeaux region, terroir, heritage and gastronomy at the service of your productivity
If the business seminar in the Bordeaux region is so appreciated, it is primarily thanks to the cultural and heritage appeal of the region. By taking advantage of Bordeaux's modern and friendly meeting rooms, you will offer a setting that is both conducive to relaxation and the work of your teams. You will also be able to taste the marvels of the gastronomy of the South-West and of course offer a tasting session of the grands crus which have made the region famous internationally.
You can also opt for an event along the water which will take you along the facades classified as World Heritage by Unesco to an island in the estuary on which you will disembark for a high-level tasting. On the boat, your teams will be able to work in an optimal but relaxed setting after a few musicians have instilled a friendly atmosphere during navigation. During the return, your guide will tell you about the specificities of the local culture for a calm return to your life before!
A business seminar in the Bordeaux region closer to nature
The Bordeaux region also has the advantage of being at the heart of one of the most authentic regions in France. Monsé therefore invites you to explore it during nature-oriented seminars. In the Gironde countryside, you will be welcomed in a natural area, built around the principles of eco-construction, permaculture and living together. Here, no smartphone or computer but games for several, walks in the forest and tastings of local products!
For those who prefer the luxury and beauty of 18th century architecture, head to Périgord. Nestled in the heart of the countryside, the castle which accommodates you combines all the advantages of modern comfort with the charm of the nobility of yesteryear. On the program, visit the caves of Lascaux, role play and introduction to South-West cuisine under the supervision of a starred chef. To maximize the cohesion of your teams, you can also sail in a canoe, fly over the region in a hot air balloon or even do an orienteering course in the forest. We guarantee it, a business seminar in the Bordeaux region is the best way to unite your teams around your project!