Following the economic shock left by the coronavirus health crisis, many people have decided to save to avoid financial problems in the event of possible turbulence. This economic crisis has allowed individuals to really realize that putting money aside regularly is of paramount importance! And to do this, investing in a sector that is able to cope positively with economic turbulence is the best solution. The choice of the ideal investment will therefore have to be carried out with the greatest care in view of the current economic situation which is still not favorable to investments. This initiative will ensure that an emergency fund is available in case of unforeseen events, or for any other projects. Focus on investment ideas to consider post-covid19.
Gold, a good protection for the saver
Gold is undoubtedly the ideal investment option for those who wish to invest soon. Gold in its physical form is indeed proving to be a good protection in a climate of high risk for the economy. And in addition to being a safe haven par excellence, this precious metal is accessible to all budgets, thus granting the possibility to all investor profiles to get started. So there's no need to wait until you have thousands of euros available to be able to make an effective investment! Regardless of the sum allocated to such a savings project, it is thus possible to find the right investment product in gold.
For those who have a busy schedule, all transactions can be done remotely thanks to the Buy & Sell Gold and Silver Online – Gold Price – Gold – Silver – Gold Platform. Thanks to this accessibility, many people have been able to benefit from an emergency fund to adequately meet expenses during confinement.
Rental investment, a safe option
Rental investment is a good investment option for those looking for a relevant investment idea. The stone does not fluctuate like stock market prices, so its value remains stable regardless of the current circumstances.
Currently, the perceived instability of the economy is creating uncertainty among the French. Individuals wishing to purchase real estate are currently reconsidering their project because of the fear that hangs over the health crisis of covid-19. This drop in confidence among potential buyers is proving to be a real opportunity for investors looking for a safe sector to make an investment. Savers will have easier access to assets that were previously amply difficult to acquire due to competition. In addition, as demand is lower than before, selling prices will also experience a significant drop.
On the one hand, the current crisis is also having negative impacts on mortgage rates. If a few months ago the banks still offered mortgages at fairly substantial rates, now the percentages of interest offered have fallen significantly. Since the official deconfinement of May 11, financial brands have posted average rates ranging from 1.20% over 15 years to 1.50% over 25 years.