Software: What's The Difference Between An ERP And A CAPM?

The business world is a mirror of our society. At a time when digital tools are invading the smallest plot of our private space, professional collective structures are facing the same challenges. From production to marketing, including bookkeeping, all of the processes inherent in the life of the company are now colonized by software that optimizes its various services.

In this new world, the mysterious vocabulary of experts is made up of acronyms that are often obscure to the layman. For an uninitiated entrepreneur, the difference between an ERP and a CAPM remains unanswered while it potentially constitutes the key to the optimization of its production chains. These tools of the future, whose functionalities are constantly expanding, are the new weapons for companies that will find optimization, development and growth there, and all this in an automated way. Explanations.

CAPM, a production management tool

CAPM is software that allows you to manage all of a company's production processes in a connected and coherent way. Its use serves several purposes. Complying with standards and regulations, producing more efficiently or meeting deadlines imposed by customers are central issues in the success of an entrepreneurial project. CAPM optimizes each of them through a global view of manufacturing processes. This is precisely the difference between an ERP and a CAPM. ERP is a global system while CAPM only serves the interests of production.

Collecting, centralizing and organizing information in real time, CAPM makes it possible to follow the directives of the company's main action plans. First of all, it applies a long-term strategic vision by integrating the PIC (Industrial and Commercial Plan) into its operation. The PDP (Production Master Plan) aims to manage stocks and loads in a more localized way in time, generally on a weekly basis. Finally, the PDC (Workload Plan) is the daily task of the CAPM which thus produces a plan capable of meeting production requirements according to orders, stocks and available personnel.

ERP, a software package with broader functionalities

The difference between an ERP and a CAPM therefore lies in the ability to take charge of various aspects of the management of a company. ERP is an integrated software package that optimizes the management of multiple facets of company life. The objective of an ERP is therefore to offer, in one software and one single database, a powerful tool making it possible to standardize information and communication between the various constituent modules of the company. Its action makes it possible, for example, to automate the allocation of tasks, which greatly facilitates the organization and planning of work.

Element of connection by nature, it can be established in a fragmented way in the company. One can for example consider acquiring an accounting software then a CAPM (Computer Aided Management) and finally a CRM (customer relationship management tool) before interconnecting them thanks to the ERP which will take charge of their implementation. relationship and fluidification of priorities between different modules. Thus, the ERP centralizes the information and redistributes it to optimize the operation of the company.

The difference between an ERP and a CAPM, how to choose your software?

The difference between an ERP and a CAPM leads to very different applications which must justify the use of one or the other depending on the nature of the company but also on its aspirations. First of all, know that CAPM is suitable for companies that want above all to optimize their production chains. Its action is limited to the management of human resources and that of stocks but will not take into account the evolution of the customer relationship or the optimization of the company's accounts.

ERP is a much more complete but also more expensive solution which requires the planning of the allocation of the company's financial resources to its overall functioning. It is by nature modular and can therefore be integrated into society gradually. We also recommend making it a central project that must be supported by all of the company's employees, providing the opportunity to unite the teams around a common objective for the development of a company geared towards the future and the use of data for its development.

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About the Author: Roben

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