Short Presentation Of The France Connect System

France Connect is a universal and secure connection solution offered by the State to facilitate the administrative procedures you carry out online. It's a sort of pass through which you can access more than 700 online procedures. With France Connect, you don't need to create as many accounts as you have to do, nor memorize multiple usernames and passwords to access them.

A single France Connect account, with a single identifier and a single password, allows you to access all the public and private administrative services to which you regularly need to connect.

What services are accessible by logging in with France Connect?

The list of services available via the France Connect portal is impressive. For greater simplicity and intuitiveness, the procedures are grouped by type of service or by theme. Thus, you will be able to easily find your way thanks to explicit titles such as:

– Money: In this section, you can simply select the steps you have to take with taxes, make your VAT return if you are a professional, or connect to your bank. – Transport: This section brings together the procedures relating to vehicle transfer declarations or any other procedure related to your registration certificate. – Health: From this section, you can apply for a vital card, make a medical appointment (Médi'Call concept) or even simulate your social rights. – Citizenship: In this section, you can, with a simple click, register a request for a passport, a national identity card, securely access the CLADE (a library and a digital documentation center), or even make a request for a voter registration…

Thanks to this impressive range of services, your online procedures will seem simpler to you, as for the 22 million people and more who are already users of the France Connect secure connection service.

How to connect to your services via France Connect?

Connection to the France Connect online services portal is simplified as much as possible on the user side. From the interface of the service you wish to access, you must click directly on the button “Identify with France Connect”. The system then offers you a list of trusted third parties (identity providers) to authenticate you.

Beforehand, you will have created with one of these trusted third parties (,, La Poste Digital Identity, etc.) an account (your France Connect pass) which will allow you to be authenticated in a highly secure.

Once you have selected your trusted third party, all you have to do is enter the login and password chosen for it and accept the transmission of your personal data (surname, first name, gender, date and place of birth), which are essential to establish the gateway (hub identity) to the services you access. After confirming the validity of your login credentials, you can access your space and simply continue with your procedures.

When you use France Connect to connect to an administrative service, your personal connection data is not stored. All this information is strictly controlled by the general regulations on the protection of personal data (GDPR).

Is it possible to access ANTS services without going through France Connect?

The universal and secure connection solution offered by the State with France Connect is the simplest way to access a wide range of administrative services online. If you need to specifically access the gray card service and you need the assistance or just the support of an expert to compile your gray card file, you can contact a digital agency, authorized SIV/ANTS such as You can just as easily carry out your registration process online 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, without having to travel.

The processing of your file is guaranteed within 24 hours of receipt of all the documents relating to your request. You also benefit from personalized follow-up and online assistance 5 days a week. By choosing the services of a specialized car registration agency, you are certain of the compliance of the file that the processing center will submit on your behalf. and to be kept regularly informed of the progress of your request.

You thus benefit from the simplicity and ease of a well-established tele-procedure and the availability of a team dedicated to the preparation of your file, its registration with the SIV and its general follow-up.

Both solutions have great advantages. The competitive advantage of a 100% digital online agency lies in the personalized services offered to you to guarantee the effectiveness of the tailor-made support and the speed of obtaining your secure title.

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About the Author: Roben

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