Securing Your Offices From Epidemiological Risks

Despite the psychosis generated by the Covid-19 pandemic, companies must continue their activities. However, in these times of exceptional health crisis, special attention must be paid to the health of employees. Indeed, it is the responsibility of companies to protect the health of workers against any contamination with the coronavirus. To achieve this, they need a tool for assessing and mitigating epidemiological risks in the workplace. A business resumption plan will allow employers to adopt a series of measures in response to the current health threat.

Put in place a disaster recovery plan

Many businesses have had to go out of business due to this pandemic. For those still in activity, despite the presence of the virus, the deconfinement sounded the death knell for two months of inactivity. By implementing a risk assessment and prevention tool, employers seek to reduce or limit contamination in workspaces.

After having made an inventory, each company is called upon to take appropriate protective measures. Contained in the recovery plan, these precautions aim to eliminate the risk of contagion. In view of the health dangers caused by the current virus, companies must reorganize and transform traditional work situations.

The measures to be taken by the company are of several orders. We can thus speak of organizational measures, barrier measures relating to the behavior of people in a work situation, measures inherent in the materialization of physical distances and the creation of a covid unit.

Reorganize work within the company

In response to the health emergency caused by the coronavirus, companies have had to put in place another form of work organization. This includes avoiding offices crowded with employees. This situation can be controlled by means of telework. Thanks to this type of work, we are witnessing a relocation of workplaces.

Some employees have the option of relocating to their homes to perform the same work they were doing on the company site. The advent of working from home limits the physical presence of employees in offices. Meetings can also be held by videoconference. This avoids large gatherings of workers in common areas. Telecommuting can be full or partial, as it all depends on how things evolve.

In addition, it is possible to set up a team rotation system by setting up time slots or organizing a shift system. This method can be applied in workshops or in factories that have a large flow of people. The establishment of a rotating system of employees makes it possible to limit the number of people on the site and respect for distancing.

Maintain barrier measures

These precautions imposed by the current pandemic aim to protect against infection with the coronavirus. To guard against this disease, it is recommended to wash your hands regularly with running water and soap. In the absence of water, you can disinfect your hands with hydroalcoholic gel.

When you feel the urge to cough or sneeze, it is advisable to do so in the crook of your elbow or in a disposable handkerchief. Wearing a respiratory protection mask remains compulsory in public. This accessory protects against the discharge of fluids on the face when you are in front of someone coughing or sneezing.

Companies must imperatively ensure the strict application, by employees, of barrier measures in the workplace. We must not lose sight of the fact that this is their responsibility as an employer. The reminder of barrier measures can be done through a poster campaign intended to raise awareness among employees in the workplace.

Materialize the distances

In a workspace, everything must be done to avoid proximity between employees. In offices, the employer must ensure that workers are separated by at least two meters. The installation of Plexiglas partitions or bay windows is also a back-up solution in that it puts distance between the customer and the employee.

Another example of physical distancing is contactless payment. The installation of electronic payment terminals and the monetization of websites constitute a significant step forward in this regard. This solution developed by financial institutions and e-commerce companies considerably limits physical contact between people.

Finally, company circulation must be reorganized. Crossings of people should be discouraged and unidirectional movements favored, respecting the markings on the ground. By prohibiting face-to-face meetings, we are fighting against crowds within the company.

Create a covid unit within the company

The essential role of this unit is to disseminate information on the prevention of the disease. Headed by a local health authority and employee representatives, its mission is to raise awareness and educate workers on the risks of contamination. The action of this structure will be directed as much towards employees as towards customers, partners and visitors.

She will explain to colleagues on the site the public health measures applicable in the company. She is responsible for placing the signs to indicate the points of hand washing or disinfection by means of a hydroalcoholic solution. Many employees and partners are resistant to voluntary testing. She will therefore have to work to bring all these people to their senses.

The Covid unit will guide its communication strategy for infected customers. For example, they will be required to stay at home and follow their treatment during the fortnight of isolation before being able to request the services of the company. E-procurement is another solution that can be offered to them to help them avoid stopping their activity.

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About the Author: Roben

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