Gyms: Metal Layout Solutions

Metal furniture has many advantages, such as its resistance. Indeed, it resists time and can support heavy loads. It is also flame retardant and moisture resistant. Appeared in the 19th century, it appears as a substitute for wooden furniture in the eyes of many manufacturers. It is incombustible and better meets fire risk standards. Metal furniture is simple to use and also fits in almost any environment. Metal furniture comes in several designs and can help diversify the layouts within a gym. It is also economical and proves to be an ideal choice for public places and businesses. Here are the possible metal layout solutions for a gym!

Metal furniture for sports halls: the bench

The bench is indispensable and unavoidable in the changing rooms of a sports hall or gymnasium. This device easily finds its place in front of cupboards or user lockers. It offers maximum comfort to athletes and finds its usefulness especially when they want to breathe a little. It is a piece of furniture that is also useful when athletes want to get rid of some bulky things or even when they want to fill their bags.

It is therefore a multi-purpose piece of equipment that helps athletes enormously. Robust, the bench is made for intensive use and is perfectly resistant to wear and shocks. It is designed for long-lasting use in the gym. It comes in several models:

– the simple bench: it rests on 4 legs with wooden slats which serve as a seat;- the stackable bench: as its name suggests, it can be stacked for storage, which saves space; – peg bench; – bench with coat rack; – the double-sided bench which has a greater capacity than the others.

This multifunction piece of furniture is ideal for gyms, communities or large companies. For your bench needs, you can contact who can make various types of custom benches for you. You will find a rich catalog of products adapted to all your needs.

The locker room

The locker is a piece of furniture that may seem banal. However, it is such a part of the decor that we do not often pay attention to it. It is a very useful piece of equipment that provides many services. Ideally installed in the changing rooms of a sports hall, it serves as storage for athletes. The latter can safely put their personal belongings there and not have to worry about it during their sessions.

It allows each user of the premises to have a place in which to store their personal belongings in a secure manner. It also avoids that the corridors, benches and passages are unnecessarily cluttered by the effects of the sportsmen. Its individual and secure boxes can be locked with a key. This type of solution offers several locking systems such as padlocks, keys or coin locks. Designed in reinforced metal, some models offer external visibility of belongings to guarantee their safety. Other models have lockers large enough to accommodate a motorcycle helmet.

Several colors and formats are also available depending on the needs. The locker is space-saving and easy to maintain. It is also resistant to humidity and is a very economical and durable solution.

Multisport Storage Cabinet

This metal equipment is specially designed for sports halls and gymnasiums. If you are looking for a piece of furniture that allows you to store all your accessories, we recommend this product. It is only available on order and is suitable for storing balls, rackets, and all your small sports equipment. Ergonomic, it is space-saving and also allows you to save space and time by storing everything in one place.

The reinforced metal multisport storage cabinet has multiple shelves. It also includes a chest and several compartments. It is highly secure and durable. Thanks to its solidity, it can support heavy loads and is made especially for intensive use. Less bulky than wooden furniture, the multisport storage cabinet does not require too much maintenance. It is a piece of furniture that is intended to be used for a long time.

Selection criteria for metal furniture

To choose your metal furniture well, you must pay attention to a certain number of points, starting with the functionalities. The purpose of the piece of furniture is to serve and for this, it must provide you with certain functionalities. The number of storage spaces is important, because it must allow users to properly store their belongings using a hanging system, drawers or shelving. The furniture must also be aesthetic. Its shape is generally standard, but you can play with the colors. Opt for colors that are fun or that harmonize with the surroundings.

It must also be practical. Equipped with wheels for example, it can be easily moved if necessary. You can drag it from one room to another without much effort. Its weight is also a criterion of choice. Indeed, the furniture must be heavy enough not to overturn during handling.

If it is a cabinet, the latter must guarantee user safety thanks to a locking system. Whether key, padlock or code, a device is needed to secure personal effects.

Depending on your needs, also consider the size of your furniture. Benches, cabinets, and other furniture should be chosen taking into account your available space and the use you intend to make of it. Generally, the height of the cabinet is between 1 and 2 meters. As for the number of compartments, it all depends on the size of your business. The design also plays a big role in the choice. You will find different models on the market.

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About the Author: Roben

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