With the development of e-commerce and delivery, company vehicle needs are increasing. Whether it is to transport sales representatives throughout the catchment area or to meet the supply needs of customers, many companies today need a large vehicle fleet. And to ensure its maintenance or operation, it is important to be able to count on efficient car fleet management. Explanations.
What is fleet management?
The vehicle fleet is for many companies a tool at the service of the development of the activity. With the transformations of the economy due to digital technology, this trend is only increasing and vehicle needs are increasing. So much so that it sometimes becomes difficult to track the maintenance, upkeep and replacement of vehicles. Fleet management is a real science which should allow the proper use of vehicles but also the reduction of related costs.
The management of a vehicle fleet is indeed a time-consuming task which can prove to be extremely costly if it is not carried out in the best conditions. This is why today, many companies choose to equip themselves with fleet management software such as those offered by Mapping Control. The objective of this type of tool is to control the life cycle of vehicles to facilitate their availability for personnel, but also to reduce costs.
The benefits of automated fleet management
Automating car fleet management makes it possible to centralize the multiple data concerning the vehicles in the fleet. Thanks to this type of innovative computer tool, it is possible to permanently have a mass of very useful information to better manage the fleet. Physical condition, journeys made, fuel consumed, breakdowns encountered or deadlines for technical inspections, all these parameters allow more visibility on the vehicle fleet and therefore better management.
Collecting all your information on the same software promotes better access to data, much more than on paper documents. In addition, this eliminates human input errors and avoids having to mobilize the time of your collaborators on tedious and therefore often poorly performed tasks. The car fleet management software is therefore at the service of the company's productivity and makes it possible to drastically reduce management costs.
How to ensure good management of your car fleet?
To ensure good car fleet management, companies generally appoint one of their employees as task attendant. This "fleet manager" as it is sometimes called must have a certain amount of technical and logistical knowledge. In particular, he must be able to follow the maintenance of vehicles, be comfortable with the purchase and negotiation of new vehicles and above all know how to find solutions to reduce costs.
Of course, the larger the vehicle fleet, the more time and skill it takes to manage the fleet. Depending on the type of activity, it can even quickly become an impossible task when the number of vehicles exceeds a critical threshold. With Mapping Control's innovative IT solutions, you will finally have access to all vehicle data and be able to manage your cars and commercial vehicles more efficiently while making valuable savings!