We announce from all sides the obligation to use Big Data in the small world of human resources. This prediction is becoming more and more true, as massive metadata analysis has proven its ability to find the right person for a specific position. This is a strong innovation that makes the recruitment process more complex, but more efficient.
Faced with this new challenge, the recruiter must no longer rely solely on his instinct to select the perfect candidate, but on a set of data that are within his reach. We will talk about the traditional CV, cover letter and metadata.
One of the recruiter's new tasks will be to decipher the possibilities, to store and process the information collected from the various virtual channels: e-shops, websites, social networks, etc.
Comment le recrutement digital et le Big Data convergent pour attirer des talents dans votre entreprise? How digital recruitment and Big Data converge to attract talent to your company?
Use of Big Data in recruitment: why so much controversy?
Human beings have their own habits that are difficult to change. Most of the new concepts come up against the cultural habits and social behavior of individuals. This is the case for the entry of Big Data into the world of recruitment.
Will big data standardize candidates?
All are unanimous on the fact that data analysis and management tools can help in choosing the profile of the candidates who best suit a position. Nevertheless, there is a nuance to be made. For some, this use of Big Data will lead to candidate cloning. In other words, it will create stereotyped candidates in preconceived profiles.
On the other hand, for others, the multitude of data to be collected and analyzed will promote the establishment of an adequate profile for each position. Metadata is no longer a novelty in the digital world. Their use in the field of digital recruitment will allow the identification of the person who has the best professional profile to meet the requirements of the position. This candidate has all the qualities necessary to successfully integrate into the company and the mission entrusted to him in this position.
Towards a new Eldorado 2.0?
Big Data would be ideal for all companies looking for a rare professional profile. It would allow recruiters to get out of their comfort zone and see other profiles that are out of the ordinary. It is in no way a question of taking into account at first glance the candidate's skills, diplomas or training, but his human and organizational capacities. More objective than humans, the algorithms will find you the perfect profile to fully assume the responsibilities of the position.
A better approach to CV selection
The role of the recruiter is to find the profile that a company needs to develop its services. The fact of using metadata wisely in the context of digital recruitment will certainly contribute to the choice of CVs adapted to the profiles sought.
The purpose of using Big Data does not change. It consists in finding "matchings" that a recruiter is not able to identify on his own. The stakes being high, satisfying the company's demand to gain confidence with its customers. Thus, finding rare talents is a challenge that will optimize your notoriety and propel you onto the scene of the best recruitment agencies.
Several techniques can be used to achieve this. The first step is to define the needs and requirements of the position to be filled. Then, some recruiters opt for advertising around the desired profile in order to collect the maximum number of applications.
Management tools will now be used to sort candidate profiles and choose the most appropriate profile. Channels such as social networks, in particular LinkedIn, can be used to broadcast the announcement of the search for the professional profile.
In the choice of CVs, Big Analytics will be very valuable. This metadata management and analysis software is able to give you the right candidates for the job and this by priority. It is proven that most recruiters reject applications that have less experience in a position or in a field. Indeed, for them, these candidates are not stable and do not have the skills necessary to remain in this position. Thanks to Big Data, you can easily find the perfect profile in any field.
However, there are analyzes that only digital recruitment cannot do with Big Data. With all his experiences, one cannot totally ignore the ability of a recruiter to detect unmotivated candidates through several stimuli during the job interview.