A Private Detective At The Service Of Companies: Why And At What Price!

In our contemporary society, the market has the force of law. Competition between companies is certainly a vector of progress that stimulates innovation and creativity, but it can also generate conflicts. These tensions can lead certain companies, with less scrupulous ethics, to use dubious or even illegal practices. Moreover, the control of employees is sometimes necessary when a doubt arises about the loyalty and professionalism of a member of the company.

Debt collection may also require an investigation, carried out by qualified professionals to allow a company to be paid for its services. The use of a private detective in the service of companies is therefore a multitasking tool, which ensures a healthy and controlled operation, increasingly used by all kinds of professional structures. It remains to know the cost and the various skills of this very special profession. Presentation.

The private detective at the service of companies and commercial relations

In our liberal and democratic society, the right to undertake is a fundamental right on which many individuals rely to put their ideas and their taste for risk at the service of the expansion of their field of activity. The laws to be respected are multiple, but some unscrupulous entrepreneurs sometimes take great liberty with the legislative directives. And sometimes fall into illegality out of an immoderate taste for profit.

If a company suffers the backlash of unfair competition, commercial espionage, intellectual property infringements or is harmed by counterfeiting of its products, it can take legal action and must then build a solid case to present to the court. The private detective at the service of companies then becomes an important asset. Thanks to an investigation, generally billed as a fixed price or partly by result, an entrepreneur can acquire solid evidence for a sum of between 700 and 3000 euros depending on the case, and can even hope to be reimbursed for part of his costs in the event victory in court.

Control of employees

The private detective at the service of companies can also accompany a company in monitoring the activities of its employees. It is a valuable tool for checking the schedule of its sales representatives and their expense reports, identifying equipment thieves within the company or even providing evidence for suspicion of sick leave of convenience. These are field surveys, which will generally be billed by the hour.

The hourly rate for field surveys varies greatly depending on the location of the firm and its reputation. As a liberal profession, the private detective agency enjoys great freedom in the application of its rates. Nevertheless, we can evaluate the hourly private detective rate between 100 and 200 euros in Ile de France. For field surveys, the agencies generally impose a shift of 4 hours. In addition, the needs of particular operations, such as spinning mills, often require the use of several agents. The agencies then offer reductions on the hourly rate of the additional agents and some even offer flat rates, commercial gestures or discounts, if the work requires long monitoring time slots, for example.

Debtor search

Searching for people is a classic service offered by private detective agencies. Often requested by families to find a missing person or a distant friend, it is also very important for companies in a business relationship. Indeed, the private detective in the service of companies can go in search of a debtor who seeks to flee his responsibilities or go in search of a rightful claimant within the framework of an inheritance.

The rates charged will again be indexed to the nature of the operations to be carried out to find the person in question. Some agencies will offer a rate based on results, but most will index their remuneration to the technical needs to be implemented to achieve the objective. Field surveys, shadowing, neighborhood surveys or administrative research, each situation is different and the final bill, like that of the business lawyer, will depend on the constraints of the survey.

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About the Author: Roben

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